Capital Improvements

COMB's Capital Improvement Program or Infastructure Improvement Plan (IIP) is designed to address issues regarding the conveyance system and involves repair, improvement, rehabilitation or replacement as indicated by engineered evaluations, analysis, design, planning, and implementation.
The IIP provides an inventory of those assets determined to require rehabilitation over a five-year planning horizon. The IIP identifies the improvements needed in the Cachuma Project System and sets forth review criteria to enable the prioritization of projects for budgeting and scheduling improvements during the five-year period. Prepared as a guidance document and in anticipation of review by COMB Directors, the IIP serves to inform the Member Agencies served by COMB prior to presentation to the COMB Board of Directors for adoption as a component of the annual Operating Budget.
Download the COMB Infrastructure Improvement Plan or Individual Project Overviews
COMB IIP FY18-2022.pdfSycamore Canyon Slope Stabilization.pdfSouth Coast Conduit AVAR Riser Pipe Replacement.pdfSouth Coast Conduit AVAR Valve Replacement-Relocation.pdfSouth Coast Conduit Blow-Off Riser Pipe Replacement.pdfRepair of Lateral 3 - Upper Reach.pdfMeter Replacement Project.pdfRehabilitate San Antonio Creek Blow-Off.pdfNorth Portal Tecolote Intake Tower Seismic Analysis and Conditions Assessment.pdfSan Jose Creek - South Coast Conduit Crossing.pdfNorth Portal Slope Stabilization.pdfNorth Portal Jet Flow Valve Replacement.pdfMission Creek South Coast Conduit Crossing.pdfUpper Reach Reliability Project (MURRP) - Phase II.pdfGlenn Annie Reservoir Rehabilitation.pdfRehabilitate South Coast Conduit Lower Reach Lateral Structures.pdfSheffield Tunnel Inspection and Evaluation.pdfSouth Portal Slope Stabilization.pdfInspect Interior of Ortega Outlet Pipe, Sheffield Tunnel Pipe, Lauro Dam Pipe and Carpinteria Control Station Pipe.pdfInstall Second Sump Pump - Lower Chamber of North Portal.pdfRebuild Inflow Rip Rap at Lauro Reservoir.pdfTecolote Tunnel Concrete Deterioration Investigation.pdfClean Clogged Weep Holes in Tecolote Tunnel.pdfInvestigate Structural Requirements of the Steel Collar Between Outlet Works and 48 Inch Intake.pdfWaterproof Gate Shaft in the North Portal.pdfLocate Discharge Pipe; Outfalls at Four Blow-Off Stations.pdf